Principal Investigator

Jianfang Wang (王建方)

Room 110, 1/F, Science Centre North Block

Department of Physics

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Shatin, N. T., Hong Kong SAR


Team Members

    RUOQI AI Joint Postdoctoral Researcher

    PhD: CUHK

    MS: Hunan University

    BS: Qufu Normal University

  • Yi Liu
    Yi Liu Joint Postdoctoral Researcher

    PhD: CUHK

    ME: Northwestern Polytechnical University

    BS: Xi’an Shiyou University

  • Yilin Chen
    Yilin Chen Joint Postdoctoral Researcher

    PhD: The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    MS: South China Normal University

    BS: South China Normal University

  • Xinyue Xia
    Xinyue Xia PhD Student in MSE

    BS: Soochow University

  • Ke An
    Ke An PhD Student in MSE

    MS: Tianjin University

    BS: Xiamen University

  • Kun Zhang
    Kun Zhang Joint PhD Student in Physics

    MS: East China Normal University

    BS: Harbin Normal University

  • Yini Fang
    Yini Fang PhD Student in MSE

    MSc: The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    BS: Zhejing Sci-Tech University

  • Hao Wu
    Hao Wu PhD Student in Physics

    BS, Jilin University

  • Boyuan Wu
    Boyuan Wu PhD Student in MSE

    MS, Nankai University

    BS & BE, Nankai University & Tianjin University

  • Qianyao Li
    Qianyao Li PhD Student in MSE

    BS, Wuhan University of Technology

  • Penglei Wang
    Penglei Wang Hong Kong Scholar

    PhD, Dalian University of Technology

    Master, Xinjiang Lihua Institute of Technology

    Bachelor, Xinjiang Institute of Engineering

  • Yanmei Chen
    Yanmei Chen PhD Student in MSE

    MS, Fuzhou University

    BS, Tianjin University of Science and Technology

  • Jun Hu
    Jun Hu Visiting PhD Student

    PhD: Yangzhou University

    MS: Yangzhou University

    BE: Xuzhou Institute of Technology

  • Ruiqian Zhang
    Ruiqian Zhang Joint PhD Student in Physics

    MSc: The University of Hong Kong

    BS: Ocean University of China

  • Haijun Zhou
    Haijun Zhou Researcher

    MS: Huaqiao University

    BS: Fujian Normal University

  • Xingqiu Chan
    Xingqiu Chan Researcher

    BS: Nanjing University

  • Aili Yuan
    Aili Yuan Junior Research Assistant

    MS: Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

    BS: Yangtze University

  • Yan Ding
    Yan Ding Junior Research Assistant

    MS: Nanjing Medical University

    BS: Xuzhou Medical University

  • Jiale Wang
    Jiale Wang PhD Student in Physics

    MSc: The Chinese University of Hong Kong

    BS: Shandong Normal University

  • Yi Huang
    Yi Huang PhD Student in MSE

    BS: Soochow University

  • Yan An
    Yan An PhD Student in MSE

    BS: Shandong University of Science and Technology

  • Yuying Zhu
    Yuying Zhu PhD Student in MSE

    MS: Huazhong University of Science and Technology

    BS: Wuhan Institute of Technology

Previous Members

No. Name Association with the group Current working place
76 Shao Zhang 10.2023-04.2024

Junior Research Assistant

75 Yang Chen 06.2021-03.2024

PhD Student (physics)

74 Pengbo Sun 10.2023-03.2024

Junior Research Assistant

73 He Huang 08.2019-11.2023

PhD Student (MSE)

Sony Semiconductor Solutions Group, Japan
72 Jingtian Hu 08.2020-10.2023

PhD Student (MSE)

Postdoctoral Researcher

Ningbo Institute of Materials Technology & Engineering

71 Ka Kit Chui 08.2021-09.2023

MPhil Student (physics)


Junior Research Assistant

70 Yao Lu 02.2023-08.2023

Postdoctoral Researcher


PhD Student (MSE)

Postdoctoral Researcher

Universitat Auto noma de Barcelona

69 Xiaopeng Bai 08.2022-07.2023

Postdoctoral Researcher


PhD Student (MSE)


Research Assistant

Postdoctoral Researcher

The University of Hong Kong

68 Lingling Zhang 06.2021-05.2023

Postdoctoral Researcher

Associate Professor

Xi’an Jiaotong University

67 Runfang Fu 10.2021-03.2023

Postdoctoral Researcher

Associate Professor

Sichuan University

66 Modi Jiang 09.2022-02.2023

Visiting PhD Student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shanghai Jiao Tong University
65 Shasha Li 01.2020-11.2022

Joint Postdoctoral Researcher

Assistant Professor

Sun Yat-sen University

64 Jiapeng Zheng 08.2021-10.2022

Postdoctoral Researcher


PhD Student (MSE)


Research Assistant

Associate Professor

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology

63 Shao Zhang 09.2021 – 02.2022

Visiting Master Student from Shanghai Normal University

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
62 Han Zhang 08.2020 – 09.2021

Postdoctoral Researcher

08.2017 – 07.2020

PhD Student (MSE)

08.2016 – 07.2017

Junior Research Assistant

Associate Professor

Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

61 Haoyuan Bai 08.2020 – 04.2021

Postdoctoral Researcher

08.2017 – 07.2020

PhD student (MSE)

60 Xueqing Yang 09.2018 – 02.2022

Postdoctoral Researcher

Associate professor

Soochow University

59 Shiu Hei Lam 08.2019 – 07.2021

MPhil Student (physics)

PhD Student

University of Jena, Germany

58 Yunhe Lai 10.2020 – 02.2021

Postdoctoral Researcher

08.2016 – 09.2020

PhD Student (physics)

57 Tsz Him Chow 08.2019 – 07.2020

Postdoctoral Researcher

08.2015 – 07.2019

PhD student (MSE)

MSCA Fellow

CIC biomaGUNE, Spain

56 Nannan Li 09.2019 – 10.2020

Postdoctoral Researcher

08.2015 – 08.2019

PhD Student (MSE)

Postdoctoral Researcher

Shenzhen University

55 Xizhe Cheng 08.2016 – 09.2020

PhD Student (physics)

54 Jing Yu 06.2019 – 12.2019

Visiting Researcher

Associate Professor

Shandong Normal University

53 Ming Zhang 11.2019 – 10.2020

Visiting Researcher


Jiangsu University

52 Rihui Yao 09.2019 – 08.2020

Visiting Researcher

Associate Professor

South China University of Technology

51 Jianhua Yang 08.2018 – 05.2020

Postdoctoral Researcher

08.2015 – 07.2018

PhD Student (MSE)

Assistant Professor

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

50 Baihui Zhang 10.2019 – 03.2020

Visiting Master Student from Central South University

Central South University
49 Yuan Zhao 04.2019 – 03.2020

Visiting Researcher


Jiangnan University

48 Jia Zhang 12.2018 – 11.2019

Visiting Researcher


Huaiyin Normal University

47 Ximin Cui 08.2018 – 07.2019

Postdoctoral Researcher

08.2014 – 07.2018

PhD Student (MSE)

Assistant Professor

Shenzhen University

46 Wenzheng Lu 08.2018 – 05.2019

Postdoctoral Researcher

08.2014 – 07.2018

PhD Student (MSE)

Postdoctoral Researcher

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich

45 Xiaolu Zhuo 09.2017 – 12.2018

Postdoctoral Researcher

08.2013 – 08.2017

PhD Student (physics)

05.2013 – 07.2013

Junior Research Assistant

Assistant Professor

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)

44 Guili Zhao 02.2018 – 12.2018

Junior Research Assistant

Postdoctoral Researcher

University of Science and Technology of China

43 Yanzhen Guo 03.2016 – 08.2018

Junior Research Assistant

Associate Professor

Huanghe Science and Technology College

42 Hang Kuen Yip 08.2014 – 07.2018

PhD Student (physics)

41 Sijing Ding 07.2017 – 07.2018

Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher from Wuhan University


China University of Geosciences

40 Yuejiao Xu 06.2017 – 05.2018

Visiting PhD Student from Peking University

39 Hao Wang 05.2017 – 05.2018

Visiting PhD Student from Sun Yat-sen University

38 Qifeng Ruan 08.2015 – 04.2017

Postdoctoral Researcher

08.2011 – 07.2015

PhD Student (physics)

Associate Professor

Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)

37 Henglei Jia 09.2016 – 03.2017

Postdoctoral Researcher

08.2013 – 08.2016

PhD Student (MSE)

07.2012 – 04.2013

Research Assistant

Associate Professor

Shandong Normal University

36 Xingzhong Zhu 12.2013 – 02.2017

Junior Research Assistant

Associate Professor

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

35 Hang Yin 10.2015 – 01.2017

Junior Research Assistant


Huanghe Science and Technology College

34 Zewen Zuo 03.2016 – 08.2016

Visiting Researcher

Associate Professor

Anhui Normal University

33 Hao Li 12.2015 – 06.2016

Junior Research Assistant

Associate Professor

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

32 Nina Jiang 12.2014 – 08.2015

Postdoctoral Researcher

09.2011 – 11.2014

PhD Student (MSE)

Associate Professor

Huaqiao University

31  Ruibin Jiang  08.2013 – 08.2015

Postdoctoral Researcher

08.2010 – 07.2013

PhD Student (physics)


Shaanxi Normal University

30  Lin Lin  09.2014 – 08.2015

Visiting Researcher

 Associate Professor

Fujian Normal University

29  Ping Niu 08.2014 – 07.2015

Postdoctoral Researcher

Associate Professor

Northeastern University

28  Shouren Zhang 12.2012 – 06.2015

Research Assistant


Huanghe Science and Technology College

27  Yuting Tao  08.2012 – 04.2015

MPhil Student (physics)

01.2012 – 07.2012

Research Assistant

26  Qian Li  10.2014 – 04.2015

Postdoctoral Researcher

08.2010 – 08.2014

PhD Student (physics)

Southern China University of Science and Technology
25  Junxin Wang  02.2014 – 08.2014

Research Assistant

08.2011 – 01.2014

MPhil Student (MSE)

Postdoctoral Researcher

University of Cambridge

24  Tian Zhao  09.2013 – 08.2014

Visiting PhD Student from Peking University

23 Caihong Fang 08.2011 – 08.2014

PhD Student (MSE)

08.2009 – 07.2011

MPhil Student (MSE)

Associate Professor

Anhui Normal University

22  Lei Shao  08.2013 – 02.2014

Postdoctoral Researcher

08.2010 – 07.2013

PhD Student (physics)

08.2008 – 07.2010

MPhil Student (physics)


Sun Yat-sen University

21 Benxia Li  09.2012 – 08.2013

Postdoctoral Researcher


Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

20  Long Kuai 08.2012 – 07.2013

Visiting PhD Student from Anhui Normal University


Anhui Polytechnic University

19  Chao Zhang  03.2012 – 04.2013

Postdoctoral Researcher

18 Feng Qin  08.2013 – 09.2016

PhD Student (physics)

03.2012 – 09.2012

Visiting Researcher from CAEP

Professor, Vice Director

China Academy of Engineering Physics

17  Zhao Jin  08.2008 – 08.2012

PhD Student (MSE)

 Associate Professor

Shandong University

16  Chunmei Zhao  06.2011 – 07.2012

Visiting Researcher from HSTC


Zhengzhou University of Technology

15  Si Cheng  07.2011 – 07.2012

Postdoctoral Researcher


Soochow University

14  Manda Xiao  08.2010 – 03.2012

Research Assistant

08.2008 – 07.2010

MPhil Student (MSE)


PolyQolor, Wuhan, China

13  Ming Tian  08.2011 – 02.2012, 04.2013 – 09.2013

Postdoctoral Researcher

08.2007 – 07.2011

PhD Student (MSE)


PolyQolor, Wuhan, China

12  Huanjun Chen 08.2010 – 12.2011

Postdoctoral Researcher

08.2007 – 07.2010

PhD Student (Physics)


Sun Yat-sen University

11  Feng Wang  03.2012 – 10.2012

Postdoctoral Researcher

03.2009 – 08.2011

CUHK/PKU PhD Student

Associate Professor

University College London

10  Lei Zhao  08.2008 – 07.2011

PhD Student (physics)

9 Yih Hong Lee  07.2010 – 12.2010

Visiting PhD Student from NUS


National Research Foundation Singapore

8  Zhihong Bao  03.2009 – 04.2010

Postdoctoral Researcher

Associate Professor

Shenyang Pharmaceutical University

7 Zhenhua Sun  03.2007 – 10.2009

Postdoctoral Researcher

 Associate Professor

Institute of Metal Research

6  Zhi Yang  04.2006 – 12.2008

Postdoctoral Researcher


Shanghai Jiao Tong University

5  Li Li  08.2006 – 07.2008

MPhil Student (MSE)


East China Normal University

4  Xiaoshan Kou  08.2006 – 07.2008

MPhil Student (MSE)

09.2005 – 07.2006

Research Assistant

3  Weihai Ni 06.2008 – 12.2008

Postdoctoral Researcher

12.2006 – 05.2008

PhD Student (physics)


Soochow University

2 Chia-Kuang Tsung  10.2005 – 10.2006

Visiting PhD Student from University of

California Santa Barbara

Associate Professor

Boston College

1  Shuzhuo Zhang 11.2005 – 01.2007

Visiting PhD Student from Peking University

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